Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Save the Cute Polar Bears!

Polar bears' numbers are going down. Watch this video to learn 5 ways to help the polar bears.

Monday, June 10, 2019

The Tree Population

In the US, 3.5 billion to 7 billion trees are cut down each year. Now that is a problem! And you can help by not using so much paper with these three easy tips.
  1. Buy cloth napkins. 
  2. In public bathrooms if they have a blow drier, use it instead of paper towels. 
  3. Last but not least, buy recycled paper products.

So save our trees and use these easy tips!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Boycott SeaWorld

You should boycott SeaWorld. They are terrible to their animals, especially lots of killer whales. They die there and they had to stop breeding them. Their fins are collapsing and that means they are not healthy. They are super stressed.

One named Orkid and his mom were very cramped. He performed with a whale named Corky. Corky was pregnant seven times and none of her babies had survived. Orkid's mom died trying get Corky away form Orkid.

In 1922, they got a new killer whale named Splash and he had epilepsy. They still made him perform. He died at 15.

Please save the whales and boycott sea world.         

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Help Save the Pangolin!

This is a pangolin. There are eight different species for pangolins and all of them are endangered.  They are hunted for their scales and meat. This is happening so much now that we're to the point that they could be endangered very soon.

When you research them, they can be quite interesting creatures. They are one of the only mammals with scales. They can curl up into balls with thick protection. And they have tongues as about as long as their bodies. All the different species are different. They mostly all eat ants and they can be found in many parts of the world. They also walk on their hind legs.

I want many other generations to know how amazing this creature is. Please help! Learn more by visiting the World Wildlife Fund or by checking out this cool video about them.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Sea Life and Straws

Plastic straws affect sea life negativity. Straws look like food fish eat. So when the fish eat the straws they choke on them and then they die. Same with sea turtles. They get the straws stuck in their noses and then can't get them out. They breathe out of their noses so then they can't breathe. 

Check out this video about a sea turtle who had a straw stuck in its nose. 

Help this butterfly fish and any other fish stay healthy. Don't use plastic straws. Instead use stainless steel straws. 

Save the Cute Polar Bears!

Polar bears' numbers are going down. Watch this video to learn 5 ways to help the polar bears.